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  • 12-1 Diagram of Flying Buttresses width:320;;height:480
  • 12-2 Ambulatory (view from the choir) of Saint-Denis width:322;;height:473
  • 12-3 Western facade of Chartres Cathedral width:324;;height:480
  • 12-4 Royal Portal (Western Facade) of Chartres width:640;;height:422
  • 12-5 Detail of the Royal Portal of Chartres width:268;;height:480
  • 12-6 Detail of the southern portal of Chartres width:315;;height:480
  • 12-7 North Rose Window of Chartres width:317;;height:480
  • 12-8 Choir of Gloucester Cathedral width:340;;height:389
  • 12-9 Western facade of Amiens Cathedral width:301;;height:480
  • 12-10 Christ as <i>Beau Dieu</i>, trumeau statue at Amiens width:276;;height:439
  • 12-11 Visitation and Annunciation scenes, jamb statues of central doorway of Reims Cathedral width:640;;height:417
  • 12-12 Statue of the Virgin and Child (Virgin of Paris) at Notre-Dame, early 14th Century, Paris, France width:319;;height:480
  • 12-13 Virgin with the Dead Christ (Rottgen Pieta), painted wood width:273;;height:370
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